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Ten Dark Tales of the Strange and Deranged...


"Take a peek, if you dare, through this broken pane of glass. Tell me what it is you see and maybe I will disagree.  What you perceive may not be, or too, may come to pass."


Step into another world with these short, dark tales of the strange and deranged.  Meet seven-year-old Ronnie, who desperately hungers for the taste of cranberries.  Or Andre Dubois, a traveler who ignores the gypsy's warning and ventures into the wrong neck of the woods.  What happens to Nexie Wells when she's confronted with the yesterdays which bleed into the present?  And glimpse the events that led to the Mad Scotsman's curse upon the town of Seven Troughs. 


This collection of ten short stories is sure to appeal to your darker side, so come take a look.  Don't be shy.  Discover for yourself why lies in wait behind the broken window.

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